The Informal Side of Neck Braces

Although our neck is a very small part of our body, it is susceptible to serious damage from any contact, even if it is not directly struck in a motorbike accident.

Why Take Off Your Neck Brace?

We asked several questions about the recommendations for neck braces, and Peggy from Rev’It provided the answers.

Kris: What possible dangers can one face while cycling without a neck brace?

Peggy: Spinal injuries are often associated with dangers.

A whiplash reaction from a sudden snap in the neck Over-rotation of the neck Compression of the spine from falling on top of your head Over-extension of your neck from excessive force in one direction

Kris: What are the usual causes of these injuries?

Peggy: It’s not so much about how they usually happen as it is about when and why they are prone to happen. Such a compression injury may be caused by a strange fall that occurs on top of your head while you’re stationary and falls from a height of little over one meter.

Wearing a neck brace lowers that risk. Fatigue is another factor that increases the chance of injury; when muscles are weak and tired, the brace helps prevent it. The type of terrain being ridden increases the risk of such an injury and therefore the likelihood of coming off the bike onto unpredictable terrain.

Kris: Which body types are more vulnerable than others?

Peggy: Not exactly, however it would help to avoid injuries if you had a really strong neck, torso, and core.

Kris: What defenses against these injuries can a neck brace offer?

Peggy: It reduces impact forces and keeps the neck from overextending or rotating in one direction.

From the Rider’s Point of View

We conducted reader surveys and discovered that opinions on neck braces are divided. Judith provides the following viewpoint: “I have worn a neck brace when off-roading because I had neck pain for weeks following a minor fall. I reasoned that wearing one is less ‘pain’ than neck problems or even worse.’ A few days later, I was driving at full speed while wearing my helmet when I hit a hidden branch. Without the neck brace, my head would have been smashed to my back. I can’t even begin to imagine the damage that would have done to me!

“I wear the brace exclusively for off-roading; I don’t wear it for street tours. When I go off-road, I push myself to go places where there’s a lot of risk of falling. With the full gear on—neck brace, knee protection, MX boots, and full upper-body protection—I feel like I can focus on the’mission’ ahead rather than worrying about getting hurt. My mind is free for the task and for the enjoyment.”

braces for the neck

“I wear an EVS race collar for different reasons. It is not as expensive as other competition collars, but it offers far more protection than the simple foam collar. It is absolutely easy and quick to put on, as you wear it over the shirt/jacket. It is easy to adjust and still firm. At the beginning, of course, it felt a bit clumsy. But my fear that it will disturb you while riding was absolutely false. After a while, I stopped noticing I was wearing it.” Light said. While working on the bike. We were curious about the brace she chose and how it feels to wear.

Neck Braces Judith will travel wherever.

So What Information Do I Need?

The following details were provided to us by Steph from Leatt and Peggy from Rev’It to assist you in starting your investigation into neck braces.

Kris: How would a neck brace work with the equipment I already have?

Steph: All Leatt body protection is made to integrate with our neck braces. There is an elastic brace on strap across the shoulder of our body protection that stretches and can be placed along the portion of the brace that rests on the trapezius muscle to hold the brace in place. All Leatt neck braces are adjustable to fit with all types of armour and apparel. The GPX range is made to wear close to the body and can be placed under body armour/chest protection. For those who prefer to wear a neck brace over their body protection and/or jacket, we have our STX range.

Peggy: Adequate ADV equipment will have harness fasteners to accept the subsequent brace. For more details, see our Sand III Jacket and this link. The optional harness may be used with any kind of jacket.

Kris: Don’t they feel heavy, hot, or awkward?

Peggy: Although it will take some getting used to when wearing it for the first time, once it is fitted correctly and the rider acclimates to it, ours weighs a maximum of 800g, with that weight distributed around your shoulders so it’s not too heavy. It is also designed to minimize heat.

Steph: Our current model neck braces, the GPX and STX, weigh between 600 and 790 grams and 690 and 790 grams, respectively. This is less than 2 pounds, making them lightweight. If the neck brace is fitted correctly, it should be nearly undetectable and pleasant. Hot? I haven’t heard anybody remark this.

Kris: How does a neck brace aid Adventure Riders? Do I need them if I am only riding gravel roads, not doing jumps, riding largely street with occasional dirt, etc.?

Wearing a brace lowers the risk of injury in what would be considered more risky and unpredictable terrain, so it’s advisable if you’re riding on unstable terrain where your likelihood of coming off and landing on unpredictable objects or at unpredictable angles is significantly increased.

Steph: Regardless of the speed at which you ride—5 mph or 100 mph—we advise you to wear a neck brace and a full face helmet. Even a little tip-over may result in serious injuries, depending on the collision and the impact point.